[Testa di donna (collana rossa) di Massimo Campigli]

inventory number20419
Mediumfotografia virtuale (1)
SubjectIhlenfeld, Max (Campigli Massimo) - Testa di donna (collana rossa) - Raccolta Alberto Della Ragione - 2002
Title[Testa di donna (collana rossa) di Massimo Campigli]
Author Tosi, Paolo (fotografo inventore)
Author Softeam Ware s.r.l.
CollectionFototeca Musei Comunali
Technical Data
Color IndicationsC
Material and Techniquefotografia virtuale/ disco ottico
File Formattiff (formato windows)
Image Properties
ResolutionRGB (24 bit)
Unit of Measure300, pixel per inch
MediaCD-ROM (ISO9660)
Other photos by this artist (1000)

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This site was created to make the collections of the Civic Museums of Florence available to the public and is progressively being updated with the new data publications. The archive of historical, artistic, and photographic works along with municipal property documentation is currently being catalogued. The first part of the materials are currently available in the network and we are working with the aim to make all content related to civic collections available digitally.
Rete Civica del Comune di Firenze - Palazzo Vecchio, Piazza della Signoria 50122 FIRENZE - P.IVA 01307110484
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